Thursday, January 29, 2009

Mom Vision

We all know that teachers have eyes in the back of their heads. That is how they can be writing on the board and still say, "Mary, stop passing notes" or "Johnny, put that toy back in your desk." Of course, professors all use overheads and projected images, so we face the class all the time. We don't need those extra eyes.

But Moms have "mom vision." Mom vision comes in two versions. The first is the ability of mothers to see items in other locations not within their normal field of vision. Like the ability to be in the kitchen and yell, "Your iPod is downstairs by the computer." (Mom vision is often accompanied by "mom ESP" as well, the ability to know that someone is looking for their iPod before they even ask.) Mom vision is particularly powerful when she is outside of the home. For instance, when she is called at work with the question, "Where is my blue biology folder?" With her mom vision she is able to say, "On the floor under the coffeetable next to the couch."

The second version of "mom vision" involves the ability to see things that kids do without actually looking at them. Although similar to the teachers' "eyes," Mom vision usually manifests itself more in response to the declaration: "Watch this, Mom!" Mom is able to see the child perform said action (cartwheel, difficult Wii maneuver, writing a name, etc.) without actually LOOKING at the child. "That's great, honey!" Mom is able to say without seemingly have looked in the direction of the child. Moms use this type of vision most often while cooking dinner or reading the newspaper.

Of course, there is also Mom hearing, but I'll leave that for another day.

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