Monday, October 13, 2008

Camping trip

I've just returned from a weekend camping trip with my 4 sisters and 3 nieces. Well, I actually haven't returned home yet, I'm still at my Dad's house, but I've returned from the "wild." And it was a wild and wonderful weekend. The 8 of us, plus another female friend, had a wonderful time. We sat around the campfire, ate, swapped stories, drank, took a long hike, ate and drank, played some games, ate some get the picture. We hope to do this again next year, but even if we never do it again it was definitely worth doing. It is fun to spend time with people who know you so well. We don't spend much time together now, or at least most of us don't, but something about spending those first 10-20 years together creates an incredible bond that can't be broken. I feel sorry for people who don't get along with their siblings, it is a great loss. I'm glad that I grew up in a big family.

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