Friday, October 16, 2009

Classroom Chemistry

What makes one class better than another? First, what is a "better" class. I would say it is one in which the students are engaged, enjoy being there, and are learning. I would also say it is one in which I am engaged, enjoy being there, and am learning. I'm not quite sure why some classes are better than others. There are environmental factors--the shape of the room, the time of day, the heating and lighting. They can be very important. All of the instructors at SU know the room in Sims that has two big pillars in the middle, effectively creating hiding places for timid, or tired, students. I've had rooms that were stifling hot, or classes of 35 in rooms meant for 100. Or, classes of 100 in rooms meant for 90.

But there is something about personal chemistry that seems more important than the environment. I think it takes a small group of interested students who ask questions, comment, and speak their minds. You don't want students who dominate the discussion, but ones who are willing to make the sometimes outrageous comment or ask the hard to answer question. Their interest and enthusiasm can be contagious for the class, and for me.

I try to make myself more human in my classes. I tell stories about my kids and husband, ask questions about student life, give general advice about careers and majors, anything that might make me seem more approachable and less intimidating. I know that when students respond I tend to loosen up even more. That is when classes can be fun, when we stray off topic a little or push the boundaries.

I just finished teaching my first year forum. These classes only meet for 1/2 of the semester and are by design more informal than a traditional class. This year my class was incredibly diverse, and incredibly chatty. I hardly could get a word in edgewise. I think a few students just sat there in disbelief and may even have been inwardly rolling their eyes at their classmates comments and behavior, but it was clear that this group had no problems talking about anything. Topics included female genital mutilation, bathroom behavior, sex toys, and more.

I learned a lot from them!

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