Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Lecture errors

I have a lot of sympathy for politicians. At least for the part of their lives where they are subject to intense scrutiny for every clothing decision, haircut, and word that they utter. I am surprised, actually, that they don't make more mistakes than they do.

Today in class I did something I learned long ago to never do (well, apparently didn't learn well enough, since I did it again). I tried to do something in Excel that I hadn't already tested out "at home." There are so many little mistakes you can make when typing or writing a mathematical formula. I usually go over exactly what I want to do ahead of time and then very carefully reproduce that in class. This time, I was just going off the cuff..."I can do this! Watch me!" Okay, watch me make a complete mess of the example is what you saw.

Could I recover? I tried. Went back to first principles. I guess I proved that even professors make mistakes (do students really need that proven to them?) Oh, well. Another opportunity to learn.

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