Tuesday, September 8, 2009


I just felt that I needed a new challenge and decided to post two entries in one day. Trouble is, nothing that exciting happens in my life! So, let me just give a run down on my day. I lecture at 9:30. I don't really like the teaching station in my room, and have to struggle to get all of the technology working the way I want it to. But, I started off strong. Then came the fatal error described earlier, or, as my boys would say "epic failure." It was 10:45 now and I was already behind the 8 ball. I took a minute to run up to my office to center myself, and came down to the lab that had started at 11 (thank goodness for great TAs!!) Everyone was working away, there were no computer issues, great comeback. I left a little before noon, planning to catch some lunch before my next class at 12:30. Of course, someone stopped by my office and with one eye on the clock I chatted until after 12. I had time to eat my watermelon, gather my notes, and get down to class. That class was going okay, except nobody has tried the homework assignment, so they don't know if it will work or not. They are all tired. It is the first day after a long weekend, middle of the day, crowded room. I sent them out into the halls for a little exercise, and then tried to finish up. Went back to my office to drink a diet coke and eat my lunch before heading back down for the 2 pm lab session. That session went quite well, and I stayed for lab session 3 that starts at 3:30. Most of the students were making good progress and we ended lab at 4:45. I had time to go up, check my email, and then attend the sociology department welcoming party. It was nice to touch base with the sociologists. It was really nice to come home, eat a big juicy peach and take an evening walk. That is Tuesday for me!

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