Wednesday, May 4, 2011

A Calling

I consider myself a somewhat spiritual, although not particularly religious, person. What does that mean? I guess for me it means I'm interested in the ideas of what my place is in the world or universe. Do I have a purpose? How or why am I different from other people? What is my relationship to others and to the natural world? In contrast, I think of religion as adopting a particular tenet of faith and following a lifestyle based on that faith. One of the things I like about not having a particular religious identity is that I can adopt rituals and practices that feel good to me, regardless of their origins.

Over the last few years I've found myself increasingly drawn to ideas about stories, memory, and how people talk about their lives. I find that I am having those thoughts with increasing regularity. I've begun to think of it is my "still, small voice," and that maybe there is something I should do about it. I believe that having a listener makes a difference and that sharing life stories is important for both of the teller and the listener. I've wonder if maybe this is something I should do, maybe even need to do...a calling, perhaps. I wouldn't say that I usually believe in such things, but there is something that is pulling me.

In that way, I feel that there is a spiritual force that is directing me. It will be interesting to see where it leads.

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