Monday, August 9, 2010

End of summer

I've taken a bit of a summer hiatus, shutting down for most of July. Now, it is August and the new school year is just around the corner. I've been busy revising my syllabus for MAX 201. This course is designed to introduce students to basic data analysis and interpretation. We focus on learning how to use Excel and SPSS (a statistical program now called PASW). Students make tables, graphs, and do some basic statistical tests. It is a very "hands on" class, which is good. Every year, there are slight changes to the data, the programs, or the computing environment which requires retooling assignments and lectures. I'm switching up some readings, adding some short exams, and creating one new assignment. It sounded like an easy, straightforward task when I began, but it has become a real time-eater. Hopefully, the end result will be a better course.

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