Friday, July 17, 2009

Kitchen sinks

When I lived in Central Pennsylvania I remember an evening when I was standing at the kitchen sink, looking out the window and could see the kitchens of three other houses. We all had the same fluorescent lights, the same window over the sink. What's the deal with kitchen windows? Are kitchen sinks designed to be under windows for a reason? Is it so women can see out into the world and imagine what is out there for them? Do they all have fluorescent lights?
Growing up, our kitchen sink did not have a window over it, at least not after the dining room addition was built. The sink faced a blank wall. It did have a fluorescent light. But, ever since then, every house I've lived in has had a window over the sink. In our current house, the window looks out over a small patio with a tree, flowers, and bird feeders. It is a pleasant view. Does it make the task of dishwashing more pleasant? I don't know.
But, on that evening long ago, I was struck by the fact that in four houses, at the same time in the evening, someone was standing at the kitchen sink, fluorescent light glowing, washing dishes. Is that comforting? A sign of shared routine and domestic tranquility? Or is it depressing? A sign of shared routine and drudgery?
Is the difference what your window looks out on to?

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