Sunday, September 21, 2008

Church Ladies

I went to a show last night, Church Basement Ladies. It was a fun little musical about the women who prepare the church dinners for funerals, weddings and the like. It was set in a small Midwestern town in 1965, so I could really relate to the story. I remember so many of those "church ladies." In fact, my mother was one of them. They were there on Sunday, with their little aprons, making coffee and cake. It was a rite of passage to be invited into the kitchen to help clean up. All the drawers and cabinets were labeled as to their contents, their was a big deep sink, the women would gossip and chatter while they cooked and washed. After my mother's funeral we had a little lunch at the church she had attended for 50 years. The church ladies were there with their macaroni salads, cold cuts, and jello. I know my mom would have appreciated everything they did. I miss that type of comraderie in my life now. There was something very comforting about those women and that kitchen. What is the modern day equivalent?

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