Wednesday, July 22, 2020

How do you feel?

Grief feels like

  • having barely enough energy to move the suitcase from the entry to the bedroom
  • filling and refilling the sink with hot water three times and still not doing the dishes
  • getting up, having breakfast, and going back to bed
  • struggling to find something that you want to eat
  • trying not to throw up after you eat
  • looking around at all that needs to be done....and lying down on the couch
  • imagining the effort required to go down 2 flights of stairs, walk to the garage, open the trunk, and carry back up boxes...and lying down on the couch
  • feeling like every physical movement requires great effort
  • having a brain that can't focus on anything for more than 10 minutes
  • watching the emails pile up....and lying down on the couch

Grief Counseling: The Grief Process, Models of Grief, and Grief ...