Thursday, March 7, 2019

The long road to equality

I don't often write about my experiences as a woman in academia, but today I am. 

Earlier today I was in a meeting with other campus leaders, interviewing a candidate for a dean position. I was the only woman in the room of five people. I had mentioned at the beginning that I would need to leave early to attend another function.  At 1 pm, I stood up, put on my coat and said, in the job candidate's direction, "I'm sorry I have to leave, but it was nice to meet you and I hope you enjoy the rest of your visit here."  There was a moment of silence, and then the conversation continued as if I had never been in the room.  No, "nice to meet you, too," no "thanks, Chris," no "see you later," no shred of recognition that I had been a part of the conversation in any way.

Interestingly, the reason I was leaving was to attend our campus celebration of Women's History Month.  When I walked into the room the event, featuring a panel of female students, was already in progress.  I looked around and noticed that there was not a single male faculty, staff, or administrator in the room.  At the end of the panel an older woman rose from the audience and encouraged everyone in the room to continue the fight for full equality.  She reminded us that the struggle has been long, but that the young women in the audience should remember that they are fighting the battle not just for themselves, but for all of those who will come after them.

It is days like this that remind me of how far we have yet to go.....

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