I think email is ruining the workplace. My concern isn't the quantity of the email I receive, it is the quality. At least once a day I have to deal with a situation where there was a misunderstanding through email. Sometimes they are very simple, but usually they involve people writing things they would probably never say face to face. People insult each other, use rude and dismissive language, express strong emotions. The conversation threads get long and complex. There are blind copies, accidental "reply all"s, and indiscriminate forwarding of messages. People see email as a way to document their objections, concerns, and grievances. And they sure have a lot of them!
I'm sure that workplace incivility isn't new (I did watch a few episodes of Mad Men, after all), but email seems to make it so much easier. When you had to type out a memo, make copies, and circulate it you had more time to think about what you were saying or doing. There was gossip and talk around the water cooler, but it wasn't written down and circulated. I have colleagues who seem to spend most of their time writing emails. To what end? There is this need to accuse, refute, deny, document, argue, and complain.
The worst emails are written at 3 am. I know, I've been there. Never, never send an email you have written at 3 am. Smart phones have made this so much easier. Used to be you had to get out of bed, fire up your laptop, open your email, and then type. Now, you can roll over, pick up your phone, and let loose on someone. Most of what we think at 3 am is not good, not good at all. Write if you must, write if it will help you get back to sleep, but do not send.
If I could do one thing at work it would be limit the amount of email sent.
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