Tuesday, December 22, 2015


I study aging.  A common laugh line used in public presentations is that it is an important field of study because everyone is aging, from the moment we are conceived we are getting older.

Even me.

I take classes at a small gym near my house where I am by far the oldest member.  I could be everyone's mother.  Laughing, I told the owner I thought it was important for me to keep coming because I set the low bar for everyone else.  If the old lady can do it, surely they could, too.

Ten years ago an orthopedic surgeon said that ACL reconstruction was not indicated for someone "my age."

A speech therapist has been helping me resolve a problem I have with vocal chord spasms. After I expressed frustration with not being able to fix the problem faster, she noted that "with age" our voices change and that I need to learn to work with those changes.

I still have one baby tooth.  For whatever reason, the permanent tooth never came in.  At my last check-up the dentist noted that the bone around that tooth was starting to dissolve.  "It happens with age," was his explanation.

I am quite often offered the senior discount at movie theaters, restaurants, and other venues. Although I don't technically qualify based on age, I've decided to use my gray hair advantage.  I should get something for my "age."

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