Monday, November 21, 2022

Personification (Anthropomorphizication?)

 Yesterday was an unusually heavy laundry day for me. I had put it off a bit longer than normal and had some added towels and sheets in addition to the regular clothes.  I still had one more thing to wash, my "summer" weight bedspread (I've made the switch to my warmer duvet for the winter, a choice I was somewhat regretting last night when I woke up at 2 am too warm...).  Anyway. after washing, drying and folding the four loads I thought, "I should let the washing machine rest, it's worked hard today. I'll save the bedspread for another day."  

What?! Since when did I start worrying about the feelings of my washing machine??!!  I hope it appreciates my thoughtfulness and repays me someday.

* I knew when I wrote this yesterday that "personification" was not the right word, but I wasn't in the mood to look up the exact spelling of "anthropomorphic" and whether "anthropomorphizication" or "anthropomorphicization" were even a words (they appear not to be).  But, last night at 2 am when I kicked off my too warm duvet, it bothered me that the three people who may at some point read this post would think that I had a poor command of English.  I remember in middle school our art teacher made us break our clay pots because anthropologists of the future might dig them up and draw incorrect inferences about our culture.  If the posts on the Internet are preserved for centuries, I wouldn't want some future linguist to puzzle over my use of the term "personification."

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