Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Don't sweat the small stuff....

My father had a saying, "Don't sweat the small stuff, and it's all small stuff!"

I'm trying to keep that in mind these days.  Last week I had a medical test scheduled and preceding the test there were some mix-ups and confusion around the scheduling which required a few phone calls and emails to resolve. I admit to having a mild obsession with time and calendars and schedules. I don't like to be late, I like to know what's coming up, I like to have a plan.  While the confusion was not super critical I noticed that it bothered me more than I would have expected (even with my obsession!)  Then it dawned on me.  Instead of worrying about the test, I was worrying about the schedule.  Instead of sweating the big stuff, I was sweating the small stuff.

Tomorrow I get the results of the test.  This week, so far, I've completely missed 2 of 3 scheduled meetings at work. They were on my calendar, I just didn't look, didn't remember, didn't attend.  That is very uncharacteristic of me.  I can come up with excuses (poor communication, bad night of sleep), but given my previously noted obsession(!) missing meetings is both out of character and upsetting. dawned on me that maybe I have more anxiety about getting the results than I realize. Maybe instead of sweating the small stuff or the big stuff, I've just stopped sweating altogether! 

I'll be glad when tomorrow is over and I can once again confine my sweating to the gym.

(This is what I actually look like at the gym! ha, ha, ha)

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