Monday, March 1, 2021

Truly Random Thoughts

 1. I must be aging, I now prefer Girl Scout Trefoil cookies.  As a scout, I could never understand why someone would buy these bland, flavorless cookies.  It seemed they sold best to old me.

2. Dealing with a chronic disease takes up too much time. I don't have time to be sick right now.  Monthly dr. appointments that take about 1/2 a day, periodic tests and scans, who has time for this?  I'm trying to plan treatments around vacation time and made this elaborate calendar, but nothing fits right.  I should bite the bullet and miss some work.  Who will notice?

3. Selling a house is a hassle. The realtors ask you to move everything out before you are even ready to move!  I no longer have throw rugs and my cutting boards are in a cupboard. I hope it sells quickly, because I can't live like this.

4.  Having a woman come to clean my house every 2 weeks is the best thing I've ever done (besides investing in inexpensive "bralettes" to wear during Covid work from home). Kristina is wonderful and my bathroom is like a jewel.  Plus, it forces me to pre-clean before she comes!

5. Sitting in my office is a cross-stitch duck I started before my grandson was born. He is 2.5 years old. The duck has no head.

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