Monday, November 27, 2017

The Container Store

 Our Kitchen Starter Kits

Recently I made a visit to the Container Store. It is a place that equally delights and terrifies me.  Walking along the aisles I feel so inadequate. How have I managed without special dinner plate storage containers?  I have dishes packed in cardboard boxes in the basement.  How have I managed without matching bins for rice, pasta, and beans?  My pantry doesn't look like this...

And that's just the kitchen side of the store. Once I venture over to the bedroom, or the office, I start to feel overwhelmed.  Would my life really improve if I had a bra rack?  5-Section Boobie Trap Bra Organizer

There is this mixture of optimism and despair. Maybe if I only had the right boxes, bins, or containers, my life would feel more complete, more stable. But, I'm so far could I ever catch up?  There are so many things I'm doing wrong...messy drawers, mixed up there any hope for someone like me?  I gaze longingly at closets with neat racks and hooks.  Could my life be that clean?  that tidy?  Would I want it to be?

Small Closet Starter Kit

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