Monday, March 20, 2017

Security questions

Lately I've had to register on a few new websites and each required answers to three security questions.  I suppose with greater attention to the threat of hacking, site owners are being more careful.  Unfortunately, this means they have created lists of security questions with ever more obscure and ambiguous answers.  I do fine with mother's maiden name, father's middle name, even paternal grandmother's maiden name.  I can use the street where I grew up, the hospital where I was born, or the name of my elementary school.

Where I fall down is "Name of your best friend in high school." I had many friends in my circle in school, but I don't know if I had a best friend in high school.  I keep in touch with two very close friends still, how can I pick one over the other?  Would my high school boyfriend count?  Would I remember in a year that his name would be the one I chose?

or "Name of your first pet."   Our family had a few dogs when I was growing up, but I was never particularly attached to any of them.  In fact, one dog used to growl menacingly at me when I passed him guarding my sisters' bedroom.  My husband had a dog when we got married, was that my first pet?  But I get that dog's name confused with the second dog we had.  Which one was Abby and which was Molly?

Even "Make of your first car." is difficult.  The blue car I drove to high school for two years?  Or the car I totaled driving to a friend's wedding?  Or the van I drove in college?  Or the first car I bought with my own money?

My life seems too uncertain to use security questions not based on facts.

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