Saturday, May 16, 2015

Christine Lagarde, Part II

When I wrote four years ago that I had a crush on Christine Lagarde (  never in my wildest dreams did I ever imagine I would meet her.

Yesterday I did. And, if possible, I am even more in love.

She was the commencement speaker this year for my university.  Her son was graduating and she was hear to celebrate him and to deliver an address.  The evening before commencement she attended a small dinner, honoring the honorary degree recipients and commencement speakers.  I was there.  Not because of her, but because luckily one of the honorary degree recipients this year had been nominated by my college.

After dinner I summoned the courage to go over and introduce myself.  I told her who I was and she said, "I love your hair."  I then joked that I had offered to fill in for her if she couldn't be here--both Christine's, same hair, nobody would notice.  We laughed.  I told her I had long admired her and her insights on women in leadership.  She said she would be including some remarks about that in her address, "After all," she said, "if not me, than who?" She mentioned that she had recently been on a panel with Janet Yellen and they had commented at the beginning that if they heard any statements about their hair and they were walking out.

I had someone snap a photo and I floated home.

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