Every now and then I have a day when I really like my job. Overall, I love my job. I like the mixture of activities, the fact that each day is different. I like the opportunity to work with students. I like doing my own research. I like working with my colleagues. I even, sometimes, like doing administrative work.
I have the privilege this semester of teaching our senior thesis class. This is an optional elective that students can take in their last semester. The course requires them to develop their own research idea, collect data, analyze their results and then make a presentation. The students who choose the option are usually the better students, but certainly they are the more motivated students. It is a small class, 12 students, all women, this year. Working with a group of smart, motivated, interesting students is a treat. They are really excited about their topics, they want to do a good job, they are fun and funny.
But, today was special. They are at the stage where they are beginning their analyses. I was working with three students as they began making tables and graphs, interpreting their results. They needed some help with the practical matters of data management and using the statistical software, but once they got started they were able to really take off. At one point, one of them said, "This is fun!" What a pleasure to hear. Isn't that we all long for as teachers, that moment when a student feels like they are learning...and enjoying it.
I felt very lucky to be sitting there today to hear the comment, to see the expression, to feel the energy.
It was a good day.
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