Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Walking, again...

When I started blogging I put labels on my posts. I soon tired of doing that, trying to decide what category fit a particular entry. But now I fear I will be repeating myself. I shouldn't worry too much, because so few people read this.

I was reading the Chronicle of Higher Education during my lunch and ran across a short article about walking. The author argued that she was jealous of the smokers in her office who could take "cigarette breaks" midmorning and midafternoon. These breaks allowed them to get out of the office, socialize, and for a short time, put aside their normal work thoughts. She advocated that non-smokers take "walk breaks" to achieve similar results.

Walking is good for you, no doubt. But the benefits are not limited to physical, and the benefits do not depend on a long walk (although long walks fulfill a purpose all their own in my life.) Short walks allow for a mental and physical break from the office. A chance to get some sunshine and fresh air, a chance to refresh yourself.

In my job I like being able to get out of my office. Sometimes it is just to walk across campus for a meeting or class, other times I walk within my office building to visit a colleague. I do see the benefit and encourage everyone to find some time to do a little walking. Take a break from studying, from reading, from writing. You will come back to your task with new energy and insight.

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