Monday, September 10, 2007

Research Ethics, Toe Tapping, and Bathroom Behavior

One of the classic examples of unethical research used in sociology is Laud Humphrey's study of sex in public restrooms. Humphrey is criticized for his methods which include deception and the lack of consent. But, we often tend to forget about his actual findings. The recent controversy over Sen. Larry Craig's behavior in a public restroom makes Humphrey's study relevant today.

Humphrey argued against the use of police to lure men into sexual encounters in public bathrooms. He pointed out that there was a complex system of signalling and response that took place between consenting men. This system ensured that men who were not interested would not be bothered. He argued that tracking down men engaging in anonymous sex in public restrooms did more harm than good.

There is an interesting op-ed piece in the NY Times that looks at Humphrey's study and the connections to the Larry Craig case.

The article appeared on Sept. 2, 2007 and I've posted it under the course documents link on Blackboard.

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