Thursday, October 3, 2024

The sadness of little losses

 Grief over big losses, death, divorce, loss of a job or home, is expected and natural.  Much has been written about it, how it progresses, how it is managed, and it impacts your life. Much less attention seems to be paid to the little losses, a neighbor moving away, a colleague leaving the company, a favorite hairdresser retiring. Today I learned that one of the coaches at my gym is leaving. For a year I've seen her about 3 times a week. We know only the barest outlines of each other's lives, but in other ways we are intimate friends. She has seen me sweat and struggle, encouraged me to push when I didn't want to, offered friendly encouragement and smiles. I know that in a few weeks she will be only a vague, pleasant memory. I suppose the length of that recovery will depend on how well I like her replacement! But, I'm a little sad today that our journey together has ended. 

I was tempted to pin these feeling of loss on aging, but I don't think that's fair. I think back to people who at some point were SO IMPORTANT to me--childhood and college friends, former colleagues, teammates, and teachers. Some of them I wouldn't even recognize today, or possibly even remember. Seems that over our lifetime we are forever letting go. Of course, to bring this back to some positivity, we have the possibility of endless new connections (which we will, some day, have to let go!)