In my life one of the things I've always been good at is being a student. All through my academic career I received good grades and, for the most part, was well-liked by teachers (the exceptions I'll save for another post!) I like to read, I like working out problems, I like learning. I guess it makes sense that I became a professor.
In the past several years, my formal education long complete, I've started taking classes. First some writing classes focused on memoir and personal essays, then improv and storytelling. Those have been fun and useful, but not really academic. Still, I enjoyed having a regular place and time to meet, a schedule. Living alone, there was a social aspect that appealed to me, too, the chance to interact with other people outside of the work setting.
I've just registered for an adult education class, "Religion and Literature," offered through the continuing education program at University of Chicago. It will meet for 8 weeks, in the evening. I'm a little excited to be back in the classroom and looking forward to learning. I've never taken either a religion or a literature class, so I'm sure I will find many new things. But, I doubt we will have crayons or scissors...bummer.
It has been a long time since I've posted anything here. I think about that sometimes, what has changed in my life--is it good or bad that I don't feel as driven to write, don't feel the strong need to get things out of my head and onto the page? So, with this class I'm determined to summarize here what I learn each week and how the class is going, to use it to jumpstart my writing. Just think, you will might get the benefit of the class without paying the $300!
Text for the class: